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高中英语《A child of Two Cuisines阅读课》试讲稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-07-17 15:26 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

 Good morning, dear judges! I’m very glad to be here to present my class today. I’m number X candidate applying for senior school English teacher. And my topic today is Unit 1 Food for thought. May I begin?

Step 1. Lead-in

T: Class begins! Hello, boys and girls! What a nice day! I’m a bit hungry. I want to have Chongqing Xiaomian. What do you want to have for today’s dinner? Well, look at the screen. Let’s enjoy a short video.

T: What’s your feeling seeing the video? Hungry? So have you noticed what different types of food are introduced in the video?

S: …

T: Sichuan hot pot? Good. Beijing duck? That’s great. Do you want to try them? Yeah, I can’t wait. Now boys and girls, look at the map in the textbook. Can you guess which country they come from? What do you think of them? Jenny?

S: …

T: Very good! Curry is from India. You don’t like it? Oh what a pity! It’s delicious! But that’s alright; we have different tastes. Now let’s go to our today’s class and learn more about food.

Step 2. Pre-reading

T: Let’s look at the screen. Here are some kinds of food with descriptions. Boys and girls, what do you think of them? Not good? But what if you have to choose one to try? Bob, what would you like to choose?

S: …

T: Haha! Fried spider? You want to see how disgusting it is? That’s a brave decision. Mike, what about you?

S: …

T: Haggis? Yes, it is more acceptable. So look at the title, A child of two cuisines, can you guess what the passage talks about? Only about food? Let’s have go and have a look.

Step 3. While-reading

T: Boys and girls, now you can read the passage quickly to check your prediction. Are you ready?

S: …

T: OK, Stop here! Is your answer correct? What is the passage about? You, please.

S: …

T: It introduces the family’s eating habit? Good! Any other idea? Now, everyone, look at the Power-point. Here are some sentences. Which one is the main idea do you think?

S: …

T: Bravo! You all find it out! Yes, the passage tells how the family combines food from two culture, more specifically, from Britain and China.

T: You all did a good job! In the passage, the son introduces many different kinds of food, what are they? Did you notice?

S: …

T: Hot pot! Right! Any others? Now you should read the passage for the second time. Please pay attention to the food mentioned and the family members’ attitudes. You have 6 minutes.

S: …

T: OK. Time’s up. What kinds of food does the passage mention?

S: …

T: Animal parts, English breakfast, roast, stinky tofu. You all have sharp eyes. Do you like these foods? And what about the family? Look at the screen. Here is a chart about their attitudes. Try to fill it on your own, or if you need your partner’s help, you can talk about it.






Sichuan hot pot





Supporting details




Animal parts





Supporting details




Sunday roast





Supporting details




    S: …

T: Now who want to share your answer with us? Amy, please.

S: …

T: Wow! Wonderful! Mum loves Sichuan hot pot because she often cooks, and loves Sunday roast, but the passage doesn’t mention whether she loves the animal parts. How about Dad? John, can you have a try?

S: …

T: Well, Dad loves Sichuan hot pot, and the Sunday roast, but he is shocked and surprised when seeing the animal parts. Mike, can you answer the last line?

S: …

T: Smart boy! Yeah, the son enjoys the animal parts and the Sunday roast but the text doesn’t mention the son’s attitude about the Sichuan hot pot. Does the son love stinky tofu?

S: …

T: Good. The son doesn’t like it. But he thinks he maybe love it one day. Boys and girls, do you like stinky tofu? Oh, some of you say yes and some say no. Well, our author knows it well, so he says “one man’s meat is another man’s poison”. What’s the meaning? Now read the passage again to find the answer. Pay more attention to the last paragraph. You can discuss with your partner.

S: …

T: Ok, Sam, can you?

S: …

T: Some may like something while others don’t. Good idea! Everyone, here are some Chinese sayings on the screen. Which do you think is the right meaning? Great! “萝卜青菜各有所爱”. That’s the one.

T: Boys and girls, please read the passage again and try to answer my questions on the blackboard. Let’s go. Time is up. The first question: What does Dad dare? Lucy, please.

S: …

T: Yes. He dare not try the animal parts. Can you guess the meaning of “dare”?

S: …

T: Great. If you are afraid to do something, we can say you dare not do it. Follow me, dare, dare, dare, I dare not go out in the evening. Ok, the second question: how does the son think of the stinky tofu?

S: …

T: Yes, he thought it was a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe. Do you know the meaning of “horrible”?

S: …

T: Good. It means it is frightening. Read after me, horrible, horrible. All of your pronunciation is so good. The last question: what does Mum often cooks?

S: …

T: Good job. She often cooks spicy dishes. If we put a lot of pepper into the meal, what’s the taste of the meal?

S: …

T: Yes, it’s very spicy. Follow me, spicy, spicy. The pepper is so spicy. Now please work in pairs to compare the differences between the two countries’ eating habits. Tom, it’s your turn!

S: …

T: Thank you, Tom! We Chinese like animal parts while British don’t. Classic example.

Step 4. Post-reading

T: You all did a good job in this class! Now, think about food from other regions in China or other countries has made an impression on you and why. Imagine, this kind of food is not popular, but the producer wants your help to promote it. What will you do? Let’s work in groups of 4 and make a plan. Or you can make an ad. You have 6 minutes. Let’ begin! Time is up! Have you finished it?

S: …

T: OK! Which group wants to try?

S: …

T: Group 1, please?

S: …

T: Sounds interesting! You will make delicate packing box and promote it door by door. Group 2? Can you try?

S: …

T: Wow! A poster. You are talented! I like your idea. And I like your pronunciation. Thank you.

Step 5. Summary

T: OK, boys and girls, would you like to summarize what we have learned today?

S: …

T: Yes! We learned a passage about different food from Britain and China. China boasts a great diversity of food and meanwhile, there are lots of kinds of food we still don’t know now. You can go to learn more through different ways. In the meantime, when we want to share our favorite food or just want to show our preference on something, don’t forget to use what we have learnt today, will you?

Step 6. Homework

T: Great. Now we have known so much about food culture. Can you write a short passage about food you like and dislike? And don’t forget to search some foreign food and share with classmates next class. OK, so much for today’s class! Bye!








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